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UNIT-9 Ceramics & Visual Arts Office x 3650    九座寮聯合事務所 [ 結成日。]    苦窯十週年記念寒窯   1996年11月17日 Samuel拿著破皮箱 搭台鐵平快車 從台北 到達桃園 一無所有的 面對全然不同的世界 一無所有的 面對完全歸零的自己   我  很想當藝術家。   十年 可以讓一個人類坯胎 會爬會走會唱歌會說話 會哭會笑會讀書會驕傲 聰明懂事的10歲 國小學生   而 Samuel呢? 這十年 做了什麼 …

Tags: Samuel 工作室 UNIT-9 Ceramics

分類:工作桌筆記 | 固定鏈接 | 評論: 0 | 引用: 0 | 查看次數: 8399

A Thinker Wandering Between Reality and Eternity -

Falling into deep thought after a viewing is the sort of reaction that Shih Hsuan-yu’s work inevitably arouses. Through unique style, complex and profoundly meaningful decorative details, he conveys serious, mysterious and metaphysical-like ideas, like the measured musings of a philosopher, emitting the faint light of wisdom. On the other hand, Shih’s mature and precise grasp of clay and fire, and his almost perfect formal aesthetic requirements, are fully revealed in the external appearance of his works. The interaction and mutual stimulation of profound themes and perfect form, ensures that although Shih Hsuan-yu’s ceramic art needs to be pondered thoroughly it always leaves the viewer thinking....

Tags: Samuel Ceramics

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