作者:Samuel 日期:2006-11-19

[ 結成日。]
1996年11月17日 Samuel拿著破皮箱 搭台鐵平快車 從台北 到達桃園
一無所有的 面對全然不同的世界
一無所有的 面對完全歸零的自己
我 很想當藝術家。
十年 可以讓一個人類坯胎 會爬會走會唱歌會說話
會哭會笑會讀書會驕傲 聰明懂事的10歲 國小學生
而 Samuel呢? 這十年 做了什麼
又 這些什麼 真的得花上十年?
努力著 當藝術家。
2006年11月17日 除了皮箱裡的東西多了 之外呢
十年 我是否已經在藝術界 會爬會走會唱歌會說話
會哭會笑會讀書會驕傲 當聰明懂事的10歲 藝術家
依然 一無所有嗎。
而我 要怎麼跟十年前的Samuel交代呢
至少 得想辦法跟十年後的Samuel說明
1996 Established UNIT-9 Ceramics & Visual Arts Office, Taipei
1998 Enrolled in Santa Anna Art Academy, Ceramic Studio, California, U.S.A
1999 Won Fine Art Grant of National Culture and Art Foundation, Taiwan
2000 Won Fine Art Grant of Taipei City Govemment Departnment of Cultural Affairs, Taiwan
2001 Won Fine Art Grant of Council for cultural Affairs, Taiwan
2001 The artist residence program in Anderson Ranch Arts Center, U.S.A.
2002 Won Fine Art Grant of National Culture and Art Foundation, Taiwan
2004 Won Fine Art Grant of Taipei City Govemment Departnment of Cultural Affairs, Taiwan
2004 Won Fine Art Grant of Gasworks and Triangle Arts Trust, U.K
2006 The artist residence program in VASL International Artists` Collective, Pakistan
經過 三千六百個日出日落 七萬三千多根尼古丁
學校老師眼中的廢柴 愛混西門町的痞子 現在呢
2003 [Gold] The 3th Taipei Ceramics Awards Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taiwan
2002 [Gold] The 16th Nan-Yin Annual Art Competition Tainan County Culture Center, Taiwan R.O.C
2000 [UK Special] Gold Coast Arts Center International Ceramic Fair Golden Beach Art Center, Australia
2000 [Silver] International Biennial Exhibition of Ceramic Art National Museum of History, Taiwan
2000 [Silver] The 14th Nan-Yin Annual Art Competition Tainan County Culture Center, Taiwan
1998 [Silver] Golden oriole Ceramic Prize United News Culture & Education Foundation, Taiwan
為什麼 感覺差不多 都如此 努力??
認真生活 難道真的 依然淪落 只算是打發生命 排解無聊的方法之一
2004 [Close the World / Open the next] Individual Exhibition of Ceramic Exhibition, Taiwan Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taiwan
1999 [The Wings in the Wind] Individual Exhibition of Ceramic Exhibition, Taiwan Chinchu Caves Art Center, Taiwan
1998 [The Axis of the Metagalaxy] Individual Exhibition of Ceramic Exhibition, Taiwan Taipei Caves Art Center, Taiwan
平凡 果真是 遙不可及的奢侈品??
多麼想躺在軟軟的床上而不被驚醒 多麼想好好的吃完一餐而不恐慌
2006 [Asian Ceramic Delta Project] International Art Joint Exhibition World Ceramic Exposition Foundation, Korea
2006 [ASNA Clay Triennial] International Ceramic Joint Exhibition VM Art Gallery, Pakistan
2006 [Modern Ceramics] Ceramic Joint Exhibition National Museum of History, Taiwan
2006 [New Tableware Generation] Ceramic Joint Exhibition Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taiwan
2006 [FIVE 6] International Art Joint Exhibition VM Art Gallery, Pakistan
2006 [The Art] International Art Joint Exhibition VASL International Artists` Collective, Pakistan
2003 [Blessed by Heaven] Creative Exhibition Taipei Cloud Art Center, Taiwan
2003 [Equilibrium] Creative Exhibition Kaohsiung Dear Gallery, Taiwan
2003 [The Monsoon] Ceramic Joint Exhibition Place 2 Studio, Taiwan
2002 [Modern Ceramics] Ceramic Joint Exhibition Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Gallery, Taiwan
2002 [confused Islands] Invited Exhibition The pier-2 Art District Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2001 [Plum Blossom & Bamboo] Invited Exhibition National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
2000 [Asian Exhibition of Art and Crafts, 2000] Fukuoku Fine Art Museum, Japan
2000 [Asian Exhibition of Art and Crafts] Taiwan Special Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taiwan
2000 [Two Generation Love] Creative Exhibition Renown Exhibit Art Center, Taiwan
2000 [Misssssss-speed] Video Art Installation Exhibition Huashan Arts District, Taiwan
2000 [The Ephemeral] Stationed Installation Exhibition Bamboo Frame Studio, Taiwan
2000 [Purple Gold Garden]Creative Exhibition Taipei Caves Art Center, Taiwan
1999 [Asian Exhibition of Arts and Crafts] Fukuoku Fine Art Museum, Japan
1998 [Taiwan Ceramics Collection] R.S.C. Art Center, CA, USA
1998 [Modern Ceramics] Invited Exhibition National Museum of History, Taiwan
1997 [The Art] Ceramic Joint Exhibition Taipei Caves Art Center, Taiwan
網路 有賣幸福人生導航系統?? 而星空的20顆GPS衛星 又是否可以定位到Samuel??
我該往哪走 怎麼走 又該怎麼繼續走呢
2006 Rangoonwala Community Centre, Pakistan [Collection] Tears of Sitar
2003 Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taiwan [Collection] The Axis of the Metagalaxy / Sitar
2002 Tainan City Govemment Departnment of Cultural Affairs [Collection] Collection:Rules of Shuttle
2000 National Museum of History, Taiwan [Collection] Consensual Hallucination
1998 United News Culture and Education Foundation, Taiwan [Collection] Shuttle
1992 Chiu Ho-Chen Culture and Education Foundation [Collection] Narrow Door
不過 無論如何
未來 是清晰的 每個人的未來都一樣
未來將會有一個空間 紀錄自己的出生日期 以及 死亡日期
而在Samuel的 這個不久的未來 來臨之前
得好好利用 倘若有下一個10週年結成日
2016年的Samuel 將要完全超越 十年後的 2006年
Samuel 不只是個痞子
平手 就算我輸

[ 11.2006 御風製作 - 鋼構部分 / 結構工程公司現場 ]

[ 11.2006 御風製作 - 塑型外觀(局部) / 結構放樣(局部) ]

[本日誌由 Samuel 於 2010-12-16 02:24 PM 編輯]
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Tags: Samuel 工作室 UNIT-9 Ceramics

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